Chelsea Pratt
Feedback Specialist
Chelsea joined the LaL team in 2021 with over a decade of experience as an educator, scholar, and researcher. In her work as a Feedback Specialist, she draws from her broad range of experiences as a facilitator, team leader, and researcher while remaining grounded and guided by her values of curiosity and compassion.
Outside of LaL, Chelsea conducts qualitative and quantitative research at the intersection of trauma, supervision, identity, and organizational culture. She also regularly consults with organizations across the country on topics related to trauma-informed practices, LGBTQ+ inclusion, leadership, equity, and justice. She received her B.A. from the University of Georgia, M.Ed. from Merrimack College, and Ph.D. from The Ohio State University.
In her free time, she loves taking her two rescue dogs on outdoor adventures in and around her home in Columbus, Ohio, and singing with the Columbus Gay Men's Chorus.